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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | digestive system Short Extended |
Current level | mouth Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
49184 | 2276 | tax |
ostium orale; os
20292 | 2277 | tax |
oral cavity P3 1 children
cavitas oris; cavitas ostii oralis
59660 | 2278 | tax |
mucosa of mouth; mucous membrane of mouth
tunica mucosa oris
289583 | 17617 | tax |
anterior part of mouth P3 36 children
pars anterior ostii oralis
49183 | 2279 | tax |
oral vestibule
vestibulum oris; vestibulum ostii oralis
16004 | tax |
layers of lip of mouth P4 8 children
laminae labii oris
16093 | tax |
cutaneous part
pars cutanea
60027 | 22536 | tax |
mucous layer of region of labial part of mouth
tunica mucosa regionis partis labialis oris
302944 | 16095 | tax |
proper layer
lamina propria
16096 | tax |
epithelial layer
lamina epithelialis
16097 | tax |
intermediate part ; vermillon border
pars intermedia
16098 | tax |
proper layer
lamina propria
16099 | tax |
epithelial layer
lamina epithelialis
46841 | 1698 | tax | ||||
59806 | 2280 | tax |
oral fissure; oral opening
rima oris
59816 | 2281 | tax |
lips of mouth
labia oris
59817 | 2282 | tax |
upper lip
labium superius
59819 | 2283 | tax |
philtrum of upper lip
philtrum labii superioris
59829 | 2284 | tax |
tubercle of upper lip
tuberculum labii superioris
59818 | 2285 | tax |
lower lip
labium inferius
59821 | 2286 | tax |
frenulum of upper lip
frenulum labii superioris
59822 | 2287 | tax |
frenulum of lower lip
frenulum labii inferioris
277716 | 2288 | tax |
labial commissure (pair)
commissura labiorum majorum vulvae (par)
77269 | 2289 | tax |
angle of mouth (pair)
angulus oris (par)
46476 | 2290 | tax |
cheek (pair)
bucca (par)
59799 | 2291 | tax |
buccal fat pad (pair)
corpus adiposum buccae (par)
77270 | 2292 | tax |
juxtaoral organ (pair)
organum juxtaorale (par)
77272 | 2293 | tax |
papilla of parotid duct (pair)
papilla ductus parotidei (par)
49182 | 2294 | tax |
proper oral cavity P3 12 children
cavitas oris propria
54549 | 2295 | tax |
55023 | 2296 | tax |
hard palate
palatum durum
55021 | 2440 | tax | ||||
55022 | 2441 | tax | ||||
75111 | 2298 | tax |
palatal raphe
raphe palati
2299 | tax |
transverse palatal folds (pair) ; palatine rugae (pair)
plicae palatinales transversae (par) ; rugae palatinae (par)
77185 | 2300 | tax |
incisive papilla
papilla incisiva
59762 | 2301 | tax | ||||
77273 | 2305 | tax |
sublingual caruncle
caruncula sublingualis
54660 | 2306 | tax |
sublingual fold
plica sublingualis
9597 | 2307 | tax |
glands of mouth (pair) ; salivatory glands (pair) P3 65 children
glandulae oris (par) ; glandulae salivariae (par)
59788 | 2308 | tax |
major salivary glands (pair)
glandulae salivariae majores (par)
59790 | 2309 | tax |
parotid gland (pair)
glandula parotidea (par)
59809 | 2310 | tax |
superficial part of parotid gland (pair)
pars superficialis glandulae parotideae (par)
59812 | 2311 | tax |
deep part of parotid gland (pair)
pars profunda glandulae parotideae (par)
15915 | tax |
glenoid process of parotid gland (pair)
processus glenoidalis glandulae parotideae (par)
15916 | tax |
pterygoid process of parotid gland (pair)
processus pterygoideus glandulae parotideae (par)
10420 | 2313 | tax |
parotid duct (pair)
ductus parotideus (par)
59823 | 2312 | tax |
accessory parotid gland (pair)
glandula parotidea accessoria (par)
59791 | 2314 | tax |
sublingual glands (pair)
glandulae sublinguales (par)
16005 | tax |
greater sublingual gland (pair)
glandula sublingualis major (par)
59986 | 2315 | tax |
major sublingual duct (pair)
ductus sublingualis major (par)
16006 |
lesser sublingual glands (pair)
glandulae sublinguales minores (par)
59987 | 2316 | tax |
minor sublingual ducts (pair)
ductus sublinguales minores (par)
55093 | 2317 | tax |
submandibular gland (pair)
glandula submandibularis (par)
86266 | 2318 | tax |
submandibular duct (pair)
ductus submandibularis (par)
59789 | 2319 | tax |
lesser salivatory glands (pair)
glandulae salivariae minores (par)
59792 | 2320 | tax |
labial glands (pair)
glandulae labiales (par)
59793 | 2321 | tax |
buccal glands (pair)
glandulae buccales (par)
59794 | 2322 | tax |
molar glands (pair)
glandulae molares (par)
59795 | 2323 | tax |
palatal glands (pair)
glandulae palatinales (par)
59796 | 2324 | tax |
lingual glands (pair)
glandulae linguales (par)
54640 | 2403 | tax |
tongue P3 30 children
54644 | 2404 | tax |
body of tongue
corpus linguae
54645 | 2405 | tax |
root of tongue
radix linguae
54651 | 2406 | tax |
dorsum of tongue
dorsum linguae
281506 | 2407 | tax |
anterior part of dorsum of tongue ; presulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars anterior dorsi linguae ; pars presulcalis dorsi linguae
281575 | 2408 | tax |
posterior part of dorsum of tongue ; postsulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars posterior dorsi linguae ; pars postsulcalis dorsi linguae
54648 | 2409 | tax |
inferior surface of tongue ; ventral surface of tongue
facies inferior linguae ; facies ventralis linguae
54656 | 2410 | tax |
fimbriated fold of tongue
plica fimbriata linguae
54650 | 2411 | tax |
border of tongue (pair)
margo linguae (par)
54649 | 2412 | tax |
apex of tongue ; tip of tongue
apex linguae
54807 | 2413 | tax |
mucosa of tongue; mucous membrane of tongue
tunica mucosa linguae
54659 | 2414 | tax |
frenulum of tongue ; lingual frenulum
frenulum linguae
71446 | 2415 | tax |
lingual papillae
papillae linguales
71447 | 2416 | tax |
filiform papillae
papillae filiformes
71448 | 2417 | tax |
fungiform papillae
papillae fungiformes
71449 | 2418 | tax |
vallate papillae
papillae vallatae
71450 | 2419 | tax |
foliate papillae
papillae foliatae
54835 | 2420 | tax |
median sulcus of tongue; midline groove of tongue
sulcus medianus linguae
54790 | 2421 | tax |
terminal groove of tongue (pair)
sulcus terminalis linguae (par)
57443 | 2422 | tax |
foramen cecum of tongue ▲
foramen caecum linguae
77274 | 2423 | tax |
(thyroglossal duct )
(ductus thyroglossus )
54836 | 2424 | tax | ||||
2425 | tax | |||||
76591 | 4893 | tax | ||||
54813 | 2426 | tax |
lingual septum
septum linguae
46689 | 1728 | tax | ||||
54841 | 2427 | tax |
lingual aponeurosis
aponeurosis linguae
88 lines
59.1 %
68.2 %
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | P2F |
List Unit Identifier | 2276 |
Sublist 1 | 2277 cavitas oris 1/2 on 15.12.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 2294 cavitas oris propria 12/11 on 16.12.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 2307 glandulae oris 65/22 on 16.12.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 2403 lingua 30/27 on 16.12.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 17617 pars anterior ostii oralis 36/25 on 16.12.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 144 subunits 87 |
Proper children | 5 |
Number of children | 149 (validated) |
Proper units | 1 |
Number of units | 88 (validated) |
Signature | 13667 (validated since 16.12.2024) |
Date: 21.12.2024 |